Monday, August 6, 2007

Quilting by the Lake--Take Two

When Wendy Strumwasser and I went to Turkey in May we had many "pampers" moments. I thought she might need a new one so I brought her one. She has chosen to wear it on her head.
Even though she tried on a score of beautiful hats (see posts on Turkey) she neglected to buy one. So I brought her one from Turkmenistan.
She decided that we all needed to make decorated caps to wear in the dining room to identify our group. Although I think everyone knew who we were.
Wendy seemed to be the most industrious one in the group...setting up her second sewing machine and sewing in her room in the evening. Our other two apartment mates, Sandra Klein and Carolyn Medwin are sitting in the living room. The air conditioned apartment had four single rooms, a bath and a half and a kitchen and dining area. Pretty spiffy.

Occasionally there might be a loud knock on the door late in the evening and an apparition might appear. Or another. Too bad they forgot to put peepholes in the doors. Can you see we are having fun yet?

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