Saturday, February 26, 2011

India & Nepal Trip- Bhaktapur Part II

There are similar buildings to this one all over the Kathmandu Valley. They were originally traveler's rest houses.
I just love these statues which seem to be everywhere in different versions in Bhaktapur

The main gate to town where most tourists enter (after paying the $10 fee)
The Royal Palace. Now a Museum.

Bhaktapur is, of course a World Heritage Site.

The famous Golden Gate to the Palace with a 55 window courtyard inside.

Statues inside the courtyard.
A great deal of restoration work was done here in the 70's through a German foundation.

The bronze statue of King Bhupatindra Malla, one of the best known kings of Bhaktapur, erected in 1699.

The clay for the pottery in Potter's Square protected from drying out.
This woman was sitting on this ledge waiting for tourists to come along and take her photo...for a fee of course.

There aren't nearly as many cows wandering around in this predominently Hindu country as there are in India.

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