I've been poking around in my crowded closets today trying to avoid doing my taxes and some other chores. These beauties were made in Nepal and intended for use on a long vest. When I go to Kathmandu I scout around all the tee shirt makers to see what designs are current. I long ago stopped buying embroidered tee shirts after all my family and friends had an oversupply. Now i take several yards of black RJR Cotton Sateen and when I find a design I like have the tee shirt maker embroider it on a piece. These dragons took three days to complete. They have been "lost" in my closet for the last three years. They are too long for a jacket and would have to go on a coat or vest. Perhaps there will be a "just your basic dragon coat" in the future.
Here is a closeup. The workmanship is quite outstanding. Notice the texture in the "scales". These pieces are done on treadle machines and the stitcher just traces the design on the fabric ...usually just an outline.
I had this one done twice on my trip last September. I had it put on a tee shirt for myself and also on fabric. The only problem is that the horns are brown and don't show up. I didn't notice that when I commissioned it. I will have to outline them. I am quite familiar with the Buddhist dieties but don't recognize this one.
This interesting mola emerged from a box stored with a "vest in progress" 8 years ago.
Here is the front panel of the vest which I put away because it had "design issues" and I got tired of working on it. The piece on the right is stripped and edged with gold.
I was going to just throw it away but have decided to rescue it and perhaps convert it into a bag. I have been threatening to make some bags for several years and have yet to make one.
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