Monday, March 31, 2008

Lancaster, PA, Quilt Show

I just returned from the great annual quilt show in Lancaster, PA yesterday. The show flows over into three separate showing areas with many judged quilts as well as a number of invitational quilt groups and this year a selection from Quilt National. According to the staff there are around 12,000 attendees every year and 79 vendors spread through the show and in the hotel across the street. And then, of course, is the draw of shopping for under $5 a yard batik in the local quilt shops and the food.................! Our roommate Rose decided to skip going around through the outside door and come in the window.
And I had taken Wendy a hat from Thailand which she had to try on.
She ended up wearing it around in the show.
Their tee shirts said "Let me drop everything and work on your problem"

The Wearable Art Contest. The blue ribbon winner. As usual I forgot to write down the names.
One of my students, Barbara Ackley, has the beautiful black, red and white jacket in the second row.

Beautiful fabric and machine stitching on this one.

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