Sunday, August 12, 2007

Traveling Around

In some countries after you leave the "big" city, the only way to get around is on a "chicken bus". In Mexico and Guatemala, for example, these are old school busses from the United States sold south and painted up within an inch of their life. The driver usually adds religious symbols, hoping to ward off bandits, road crashes, and falling off a cliff among other things. A boy accompanies the bus, yelling the destination out the door to attract customers and collecting fares somehow in the jam packed aisles. While the seats (designed for children) were designed for two...three adults usually crowd in...the last one sort of hanging off the side. And, of course, there is no knee room for North American adults. And there really are chickens on "chicken busses".

In India I prefer to take the trains. Although you hear once in awhile of terrible train wrecks ...considering they handle millions of people every day the numbers are statistically very small...much smaller than road accidents. And there are porters in most stations to carry your bags to the train, find your compartment and load your baggage on the high racks. The stations are often chaotic and crowded. Even in Jodphur I found people sleeping all over the floor when I took an early morning train. Your porter will re-check your ticket against a list posted on the platform. He will know exactly where your compartment will stop and wait with you there. You can now buy most tickets over the internet from home but it often takes hours to get through the maze. But its worth it to be sure you have seats on the trains you want when you want them and not have to go through the hassle in India which would be worse.

This is a Second Class Air Conditioned Sleeper with the bunks not made up. There are curtains across each one for privacy and linens and pillows are provided. In the daytime the top seats are flipped up. There are two more seats at the other side of the aisle which also become bunks. And there is an American style toilet at one end. Very comfortable.

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