Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Market in Kuzguncuk

Wednesday is market day here and it is a sight to behold. Who could resist these gorgeous ripe tomatoes?
Or strawberries?

Looking down the street from the market.
An old Turkish wooden house that hasn't been restored. Surely there is art in arranging these vegetables.

How could you not love a market where they peel the artichokes for you?

Those green balls are a type of plum.

Another artichoke peeler. They must be a hot item.


  1. Great pix of veggies, Priscilla! I remember those markets and arrangements well from our trip to Turkey in 2001. The quilts were interesting, too. Was one of the quilts yours? Perhaps the colorful coat? Charmaine Babineau

  2. Oh MY...if I were still in the Foreign Service, I'd bid on a posting to Turkey just based on these photos... wonderful!

    Thanks for sharing, Sarah Smith
